In this section you can discover articles, illustrations and other great pieces of work all created by UNIMINUTO students. This space is intended to show off the talents of the English students here in the university, and allow excellent work to be seen by a large audience. Enjoy checking out what your classmates have been up to!
UP- The Movie
BY RONALD ROJAS- Licenciatura en Idioma Extranjero- Inglés- Sede Calle 90
Up is an animated adventure created by PIXAR Animation Studios and directed by Pete Docter and Bob Paterson. Carl Fredricksen decided to make his wife's dream real helped by Russell, a boyscout who want
s to
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obtain his last medal with honors. it takes place in South America with new friends, like Kevin, an exotic American bird and Dug, a friendly hunter dog.
This amzing adventure won two Oscar Awards in the 2010 edition. It does not matter your age, this movie is recommended to everybody.
Film Festival Follow-Up!
Check out this fantastic storyboard by María Fernanda Guacaneme Rojas, a student of English 1. Isn´t it great? Here at the Language Centre Blog we especially like the creative use of space and the wonderful bright colours. Excellent!

Nidia Gomez is in level 5 of english here at our university and she gives her own opinion about PERSEPOLIS, one of the movies presented in the morning:
"I don't really like animated movies, but Persepolis changes my mind about these type of movies. Persepolis reflects the reality of a war, but the magic of this movie is creators didn't need to use strong, bloody and disgusting scenes to show that reality.
This fresh and uncomplicated film , with the simplicity of black and white drawings and with a close to humor, captures the attention from the spectators.